IPv6 Test

Test IPv6/4 connectivity

IPv6 Test (Port.Tools) is a free service that checks your IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity. Diagnose connection problems, discover which address(es) you are currently using to browse the Internet.

The Port.Tools works well on both desktop and mobile browser.

IPv4 connectivity
IPv4 This test determines whether your connection supports the IPv4 protocol
Address Your IPv4 address is the address your ISP has assigned to you on the IPv4 Internet
Hostname Your hostname is the name by which your computer is known on the IPv4 Internet
IPv6 connectivity
IPv6 This test determines whether your connection supports the IPv6 protocol
Your IPv6 address is the address your ISP has assigned to you on the IPv6 Internet
Hostname Your hostname is the name by which your computer is known on the IPv6 Internet